Be In The Know

Join us in creating second chances at life

Be The Match® helps patients with life-threatening blood cancers, like leukemia and lymphoma, and other blood diseases find a cure. A cure that only exists because of our members—more than 9 million potential donors on the Be The Match Registry® in the U.S.—and the people who support them.

Thank you for being here and for being a special part of this life-saving journey.

Man and child
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two boys and their father

Join us in creating second chances at life

Be The Match® helps patients with life-threatening blood cancers, like leukemia and lymphoma, and other blood diseases find a cure. A cure that only exists because of our members—more than 9 million potential donors on the Be The Match Registry® in the U.S.—and the people who support them.

Thank you for being here and for being a special part of this life-saving journey.

See the Bigger Story

You’re critically important

Select your role so we can share the right resources.

Why registry members matter

Family matches are uncommon

70% of patients don't have a fully matched donor in their family—and depend on us to find one.

Ethnicity impacts the odds of finding a cure

Finding a match is based on a type of tissue, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) tissue. And because it's inherited, you’re most likely to match with a patient who shares your ethnic background.

We're on a mission to make the registry more diverse to create more second chances for everyone. See how the odds of finding a match change based on a patient's ethnic background.

Black or African American
Asian or Pacific Islander
Hispanic or Latino
Native American